Nursery and Preschool Care
In-house day care center
MEKRA employees are eligible for enrolling their children in the company's own all-day child care facilities. Our Frieda Lang Haus, which was specifically built for this purpose, provides year-round child care services from 5:30 am to 6:00 pm for children ages 6 months through 12 years.
Professional child care
Nursery and preschool/kindergarten care is provided by experienced and state-accredited teachers and child care professionals. Schedules are adapted to employees' working hours, and there is an additional free care option for employees who work overtime or on Saturdays.
Open concept
Our child care services are based on the Montessori educational principles. This is an open-concept approach, i.e. rather than being taught in pre-determined groups, children learn in thematic spaces according to weekly schedules. The children also have an opportunity to take music lessons, to participate in weekly "forest days", as well as to engage in physical activities indoors and outside in the garden. The program also prepares preschoolers for their transition to elementary school.
School holiday program
All-day child care services are also provided during school holidays (except between Christmas and New Year), with special holiday activities offered.