We have collected the most frequently asked job application questions for you. Should you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We prefer online applications, but you are also welcome to send your documents to us by regular mail. The way you submit your application has no effect on how we will evaluate it!
Yes, we will definitely send you a confirmation of receipt.
No, we do not conduct recruitment tests. Personal interviews with our applicants are very important to us.
As long as a position is advertised by us online, it is still available and your application is welcome. Some of the postings also indicate specific application deadlines.
You are welcome to call us at +49 9847 989-0, if you would like to find out more about a position that interests you.
Please include the following documents in your application folder (if available):
cover letter, short-form curriculum vitae, current school report card or graduation certificate, current college/university transcripts or diploma, employer's reference(s), internship certificate(s)
Please use the following email address for sending your application: humanrelations@mekra.de.
We are always interested in unsolicited applications and will carefully consider whether we can offer you a matching position.